How to Deal With Top Freshman Year Issues
Freshmen are a completely new cluster. They can be easily distinguished from other students. As a rule, they are shy, emotional, and anxious about studying and the rules of the university. Also, they are terribly afraid of final exams.
In fact, they are faced with more serious problems, which they can overcome not always. Most often they have difficulty preparing the first seminars and exams, writing the first term papers and tests, etc.
If you face this problem, just choose this professional writer service to solve your assignments. In this article, we will consider the most common problems of freshmen and identify options for solving them.
How to Deal With the Most Common Freshman Misconceptions That Cause Problems:
Most often, the student’s negligence leads to problems in student life. The most frequent mistakes of students are the following.
Confusion and Shyness.
Many freshmen become embarrassed to speak in public because of leaving the comfort zone. Do not do this. You need to fight these qualities and habits, otherwise, they can harm you. Excessive shyness shows your weakness and fear, prevents you from showing your best side. Communicate with classmates and make new contacts. You need to learn side by side with them for at least 4-6 years.
No Control Over Time:
As a rule, freshmen do not plan their day. They do not think about their free time and how they spend it. And in the future, it turns into more serious obstacles. For example, they do not have time to prepare for classes, exams, carry out term papers or other research work, etc.
Freshmen often sit on the Internet for hours, doing such useless things as meaningless correspondence, games, videos, etc. It is important to optimize your time and actions. Just plan a day in advance, achieve your goals, and success will be guaranteed.
Inappropriate Manifestation of Your Character:
From the first year, a student establishes certain relations with teachers. As a rule, most teachers accompany them up to graduation. Therefore, it is important to control your behaviors and statements on any subject. Remember that the unpleasant residue remains for a long time, and it can be very difficult to smooth it out.
Note Taking
Freshmen are used to the fact that in school, everything was dictated to them by syllables, and they copied assignments from the board. Education at universities is designed to make students more independent. One can often observe a picture when a freshman sits and does not note a lecture, waiting for a dictation. This is the worst mistake. The lectures are designed to introduce the student to the topic, but he himself should decide what exactly to note.
The new team, rules, schedule, conditions of teachers can not only shock but also give rise to serious neurological disorders. To facilitate the fate of freshmen at the university, special events are held. They include different parties for freshmen, organization of additional sections on interests, attracting students to volunteer and social activities, assignment of tasks for a specific group, etc.
Lack of Knowledge or Low Level of Intelligence
Entering a university is half the trouble. The main thing is to successfully complete it. For this, a freshman needs basic knowledge of the school curriculum. They will be improved and deepened in a specific direction within the framework of the chosen specialty. If you cannot master a specific subject, it is difficult to learn a discipline or write a task, then urgent measures need to be taken. For example, you can hire a tutor, approach a teacher or classmates for help, turn to specialists, etc.
Mismatch of Expectation and Reality
In plain language, freshmen may be disappointed in the university, the chosen direction, and other trifles. This often happens when they imagine their studies and new friends in one form, but get something else. It all depends on the individual’s ability to accept the conditions as they are and to adapt to them.
For nonresident students, the university provides a dormitory. But not all students are ready for a new life. Many of them want to live in separate apartments or not move out of their parents at all. This problem must be solved emotionally, and then in reality. To begin, discuss everything with parents, the university administration, evaluate the living conditions and then make a decision if you want to live in a dormitory, rent an apartment or buy a house.
Writing Term Papers and Tests
In fact, there is nothing complicated in performing these tasks. It is enough to fulfill all the requirements and protect your project.
We have listed far from all the problems of freshmen. It all depends on the students themselves, their impressions, desires, preferences, etc. The most important thing is that all problems are solvable.